Meet a Mom: Leslie Lone - Hudson County Moms

How many children do you have and what are their age(s)?
My son Mateo is 6 years old. We also adopted a quarantine kitten this summer and her name is Q.

How long have you lived in Jersey City/Hudson County? What made you decide to live here?
I just celebrated my 10 year anniversary in Jersey City in April! I transferred from Los Angeles for work and was supposed to be temporarily staying with my sister (who lived at 50 Christopher Columbus at the time) until I found a place in NYC, but loved it so much that I stayed. I lived Downtown for a few years, but bought a home in the Lafayette neighborhood and can’t imagine living anywhere else.

What’s your favorite family activity Jersey City/Hudson County?
My favorite family activity is enjoying the many parks JC has to offer—we live next to Lafayette Park and Berry Lane Park and walk over to Liberty State Park often.

Where’s your favorite place to eat and/or shop in your town?
My favorite places are right in the Lafayette neighborhood — Harry’s Daughter for a great rum punch, The Grind for my morning cup of coffee and the Guatemalan Restaurant & Bakery for amazing eats. My parents are Guatemalan so it’s like having my grandma’s kitchen three blocks away. I recently got into collecting art so Deep Space Gallery, whose shows are phenomenal. They also house a thrift store on their first floor where I’ve gotten some amazing wardrobe pieces.

What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
My husband took my last name! It’s a great story and no one ever believes us, but it’s awesome.

What are you doing to stay sane during Covid for yourself?
I’m just trying to stay busy—finally accomplishing all the projects I’ve been putting off due to not having time, swimming daily in the summer and really getting involved civically in my community. I’m stewarding a Little Free Library in my neighborhood, I recently founded The Friends of Ercel Webb Park with some neighbors and I’ve been hosting voter registration and education drives throughout Ward F. We’re at a really interesting place in our government/democracy right now and not just at the federal level, but here locally in Hudson County and Jersey City. Many people only vote in the general election, but local elections really matter. It was astounding to learn that in this year’s June primary 300,000 registered voters in Hudson County didn’t vote (only 80,000 did). That’s ridiculous when you think about the major decisions our local politicians are making that affect our own and our community’s daily lives. There’s also so many questions about mail-in ballots and the voting situation in NJ this year due to COVID. So if you’re not registered to vote you have until Wednesday, October 13th and you can do it online at If you have any questions about voting in this election DM me, I’m happy to help!

Any tips or recommendations for parents to entertain/educate their children during this time?
I recommend parents and guardians in Jersey City check out virtual programming—the JC Free Public Library has a robust weekly schedule for all ages and the Liberty Science Center has great Thursday planetarium shows, all free and open to all. The JC Recreation Department had swim classes and now soccer classes we’ve registered for this year. And of course masked, park play dates to ensure my son is still socially interacting with his friends.

Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?
My husband who I truly believe is actually a better parent than me on so many levels.

Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the corporate world? Please share!
While on maternity leave I learned to embroider and eventually started my own creative endeavor — Hudson Co. Threads. I mostly stitch custom items like baby birth announcements, Jersey City pride or current event embroideries. COVID made me pivot to mask making, which has been very successful, but I take orders all the time. Follow me @hudsoncothreads on Instagram!
I think Jersey City is a very child friendly community and I owe some of my friendships to the moms online and on the playground. It’s great to have a group you can ask for recommendations or just vent to.

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